Don't let your players just wander off, don't let them sit and plink at helpless AI, and reward cooperative gameplay.Īlternatively, punish stupidity. Give your minions players the tools to do the job, and cater to modest requests, but don't listen to every specific request for an attack helicopter, tanks, or a.
At the same time, don't just make them kill sentry groups and lone, unarmed, Ifrits. Don't overwhelm a group of 5 players with 10 squads and two armor platoons. If you have any tips, tricks, complaints, or discussion to add for aspiring Zeuses, please add to my meager offering.
I really hope I fall into the former when I'm GM'ing, but can't blame you if you hated the few mission I ran. After a few days of playing on Zeus games I've run into plenty of game masters who were both good, and absolutely terrible.